Game art and design veterans drop by the studio!
Hong Ly, Concept Artist, Riot Games
Last November we had the privilege of having game development veterans over the studio. Namely Concept Artist Hong Ly of Riot Games, Principal Artist Dave Cabuco of Sony Interactive Entertainment, and Game Designer Carlos Pineda of Respawn Entertainment, who were speakers for Animahenasyon 2016.
Carlos Pineda, Game Designer, Respawn Entertainment
Our artists were able to spend some time with them for a productive Q&A session that came at an opportune time. We’re passionate about the work in games that we do. It is an exciting experience to get a game out from concept to completion. But it is also a lot of hard work and dedication, no doubt production can get stressful. The brief sharing of insights gave the team a time to step back from production to think of the value of creativity, their craft, and the fundamentals.
Dave Cabuco, Principal Artist, Sony Interactive Entertainment
The session was relatable for everyone as our visitors shared down to earth, everyday scenarios occurring in their studios. Expect revisions, iterations, bugs, and letting go of old designs or artworks to happen to a project. It is part of the process, think of it as it’s creative problem solving. Turn these into something positive by remembering that exceptionally accomplished, joyous feeling we all get when we finally finish the task or even release the game! Creating art and games take time The pipelines may be different yet this reminded us that no matter the size of the studio, maneuvering from problem to problem. The obstacles are essentially the same. At the end of the day, an artist, developer, and even managers, should never forget the fundamentals of their craft.
We are very grateful for Hong Ly, Dave Cabuco, and Carlos Pineda for dropping by! It was a great experience to have fellow game developers share their learnings with us.